cup of teaThe cup of hot tea sparked flavor sensors on the tongue in ways never before imagined. Hits of vanilla and honey wrapped in an earthy floral-like essence. What a disappointment to discover this tea was too costly to justify regular consumption!

1 Corinthians 13 reminds us about the amazing “flavor” of love. When steeped well and consumed at the right temperature, love flavors our lives with more abundance than we ever imagined.

However, this kind of love is costly to give and receive. It requires something from us, and often just the thought of the requirement keeps us from expressing it.

True love is worth the risk, because it is an expression that does not begin or end with us. Love originates with our Creator as a complete expression of who He is. He invites us to experience this costly essense for ourselves with lavish abundance and to get so filled up with it that it naturally flows to others.

Love is not a commodity; however, the only way for this costly essence to be distributed is through sharing. The cost is determined by the effort.

Let us share God’s love with you at GateWay.