As we promote GateWay of Hope and work on marketing the services we provide, several words keep emerging as key tags.Gate on purple

HOPE: This word is, of course, in our name but it covers everything we do at GateWay. When women first come through our door, they may feel hopeless and powerless. They may wonder if life will ever improve. Then they walk into GateWay and begin to hope.

Hope is a feeling of expectation, but it also involves trust. Women trust their hearts to us and as we work together, we experience a warm belief that hope exists and life can get better.

SAFETY: Women feel safe at GateWay. This involves physical safety, of course, but it’s more than that. They know all our services are confidential and they discover they are not alone with their concerns.

Women feel emotionally safe at GateWay. They know they can take off their masks and lay down their walls. At GateWay, they can be their true selves. We will not condemn them. We will not betray their trust.

ATMOSPHERE: We work to make the atmosphere unique and beautiful at GateWay. We want women to feel comfortable within our spaces and to feel the warmth and love of the GateWay experience.

We decorate with women in mind, and we often see the visible effect when a woman crosses our threshold. She sighs and says, “Ah,” because she knows she is in a safe place and she is moving toward a more empowering future.

ENCOURAGEMENT: In our difficult world, we are often faced with discouragement and despair. At GateWay of Hope, we work to encourage women in their personal gifts and talents and to help them become who God created them to be.

This encouragement might happen through a counseling session, the group experience, an hour with a coach or a time of prayer. It might look like a hug or a pretty card, a smile or a warm cup of coffee. Encouragement includes total acceptance and the presence of a listening ear.

TRANFORMED: When women come to GateWay and begin to experience our services, their lives change. As they feel hope and receive encouragement, they work through their issues. As they meet other women, they realize they are not alone. They feel empowered to embrace their true identities.

In fact, some of our women experience such a transformation, they change their names. They feel like new creatures, able to function and succeed in life. They feel whole again, and we can see the difference in their faces.

Here’s the way one woman describes GateWay, “My life has been transformed by the counsel, resources and groups at GateWay of Hope. When I walk into GateWay, my walls come down, because I know it is safe.”

Our mission is “To transform the lives of hurting women through counseling, groups, coaching and prayer.”
That’s what we do at GateWay of Hope.

©2015 GateWay of Hope – The Helping Place for Hurting Women