When we think of domestic violence, many of us wonder why women stay and don’t just leave.  That’s one of the questions I asked the group of abuse survivors I met with.

What motivated you to leave?

  1. I got tired of walking on egg shells.
  2. My children
  3. Friends and family who were Christians came to me and gave me   permission to leave.
  4. I was afraid of killing or hurting my husband.
  5. I was afraid of getting pregnant again.
  6. I was lying about being abused and I didn’t want to lie.

What were the obstacles in you leaving?

  1. I was controlled and isolated by the abuser.
  2. I couldn’t make it financially.  I didn’t have a job or anyway of making money.
  3. I was afraid of him taking or hurting the kids.
  4. I was hoping he would change.
  5. I was told divorce is wrong and a sin and that I’d get “crowns in heaven” for staying.
  6. I was told I should stay in the marriage, “no matter what.”

Put yourself in the place of the women who gave the above answers.  What would you do if you had their experiences?