Recently God gave me a “vision” of myself all wrapped up in a cocoon. I thought I knew what it meant, but over the next few days and weeks, the meaning kept changing. Needless to say, I was confused.

The initial cocoon I saw appeared as myself fighting to get out. I was like the butterfly gaining strength in the struggle so its wings could fly. I had been wrestling with God on some issues and was encouraged to believe that once this period of struggling was over, I’d be stronger and better able to fly.

A few days later, however, I had another interpretation of the cocoon which I disliked. It reminded me of Frodo, the Hobbit, suddenly ensnared by the spider’s web. It was impossible for him to get out on his own. If Samwise had not rescued him, he would have died.

Like Lazarus, who Jesus raised from the dead, Frodo needed help from others so he could live. This interpretation felt dangerous…and I wondered what it was that had trapped me. Was it a spiritual attack from our enemy or had I unknowingly bound myself inside the cocoon as a way to (falsely) protect myself?

Later in the week, God gave me a third possible meaning to the cocoon vision. This one I liked the best. God was the cocoon…my Refuge, my Protector. I was safe – all wrapped up in Him.

I thought the meanings of the cocoon options were complete, but I was wrong. There seemed to be at least one more way to interpret what I had seen.

I, or the person in the cocoon, was fighting to get out. In the initial picture, it was time for the butterfly – or me – to emerge from the cocoon. Struggling was a healthy part of growing; however, the timing was wrong.

I was fighting to get out when I wasn’t ready. If I emerged too soon, I wouldn’t have the strength to fly on my own. Unprotected, I would fall.

So which one of these interpretations was correct?

According to some of my friends, all the interpretations were correct. I believed my friends were right.

Each cocoon represents ways to respond to future situations and choices. But only two are good choices. Patiently be still when I need to be still and courageously struggle and grow strong when I need to move.

I pray, however, that I will not be trapped – either by the enemy or myself – when I need to persevere or force my way forward. That’s when I will most need to be still.

And as my friends so wisely reminded me…in each situation I must trust God.

2014 Deborah Simon, LCPC, Executive Director GateWay of Hope – The Helping Place for Hurting Women