Biblical counselor, June Hunt, suggests seven practical ways to jump the hurdles of forgiveness. She admits that forgiveness is not a onetime event and most of us need to repeat these jumps over and over.

But with perseverance and the power of God’s word, forgiveness can become a reality.Forgiveness graphic

Hunt offers these hurdles as an acrostic:

F – Forbid recurring thoughts of the wrong. Refuse to keep replaying what was done to you. Don’t keep a record of the pain. 1 Corinthians 13:5

O – Overcome the temptation to talk about it. An honest confrontation with the offender may be necessary, but once that is complete – it’s finished. Don’t continue to bring it up again and again. Let God keep a guard over your mouth. Psalm 141:3

R – Repeat Scripture to counter a negative mindset. Allow God’s positives to delete the negatives. Use the power of God’s word. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

G – Give the situation to God. Jesus understands how much pain you have suffered. He, too, was wronged. But we can follow his example and trust the situation to God. 1 Peter 2:23

I – Intercede for the offender. Praying for those who have wronged us is a command, not an option. 1 Samuel 12:23

V – Value what you can give in return. Be respectful and extend kindness, but this does not mean that you need to trust your offender. It just means that you do not become like him. Acts 20:35

E – Extend God’s grace and mercy. None of us deserve God’s mercy and grace, but we can be an example to others of what it means to truly forgive. Colossians 3:13

What about you? Have any of these methods helped you move toward forgiveness?

2013 GateWay of Hope Ministries – The Helping Place for Hurting Women