question markSeveral years ago, Dr. Charles Stanley presented a seminar on how to make important decisions. He included four points that are helpful to consider whenever we wonder about the best direction we need to take:

1. What does God say about this situation? Listen carefully to your inner Spirit and what you believe God is saying to you. Pay close attention to those inner nudges and/or the red flags that are trying to warn you about a certain direction.

2. What do other people say about this situation? Proverbs 15:22 reminds us that by listening to many advisors, we receive wisdom. Ask other people who may have been through the same situation. Talk to experts, counselors and pastors. Do some research and find the best solution for the answer you need.

3. What does the Bible say about this? Especially for Christians, the Bible is our guidebook and its wisdom transcends generations. By paying attention to what it says and by searching through similar passages, we can find the direction we need. Pay attention to the particular culture addressed and to the historical significance in the Bible books you research.

4. What do the circumstances tell you? Sometimes the answer we need is just plain old common sense. You want to move to the warmer climate in California, but you have no job, no family or friends who live in California and you have no money for the trip. That decision is easy. Wait until more of the circumstances look like a move is a good idea. 

Or perhaps you’re living in a toxic relationship. You know that to remain in the situation is dangerous for you and for your children. The circumstances have become unbearable and you can’t even think straight. So … get away for a while. Find a safe place to be and give yourself time to think about all the consequences and all the possibilities.

This type of circumstance tells us to protect our hearts and the lives of our children. For a safe place, check out this site:

Dr. Stanley reminds us that all four of these points don’t always coincide. But if we consider the majority of them and what they show us – we’ll have a better idea about what decision to make.

We would like to add another point that is also important:

5. Do you have peace about the decision? Although we sometimes experience fear when we deal with life-altering decisions, the right solution points us toward a place of peace. When we know we’ve done the right thing, we will feel confident about the decision and move forward with peace and joy.

At GateWay of Hope, we teach a Boundaries Class three times each year. We teach women how to say, “No” and when to say, “Yes.” We help women set those important fences around their hearts and around the lives of their children so they can live out of their giftings and their strengths.

So if you’re facing an important decision, ask yourself these five questions and honestly answer them. Journal through each of the scenarios and then make your decision, knowing that God has your back. You can trust him to guide you.

If you need help working through a decision, call us at GateWay of Hope 913.393.GATE (4283) or email us at We have professional counselors and coaches who can assist you.

©2016 GateWay of Hope – Hope, Healing and Wholeness for Women