Before you continue to call me by a nickname, consider the power behind it.My-Name-Is

When you continue to call me “Jerk,” I may begin to see myself this way and, instead of becoming a nicer person, I will believe I am a jerk and continue to treat you this way.

When you continue to call me “Stupid,” I might let that word sink to my core and influence my thoughts and choices for the rest of my life.

When you continue to call me “Slob,” I likely will not pick up after myself any faster but instead will give up trying.

When you continue to call me “Slow,” I may try to increase my mental or physical speed to the point of irreparable exhaustion.

When you continue to call me “Loser,” I may choose only to disappoint your expectations.

When you continue to call me “Crazy,” I may let that sink into my mind and never leave.

When you call me by the name printed on my birth certificate, or the name I wish was on my birth certificate, I know that you know who I am—a Person instead of a nickname.

When you continue to call me by my name, you will get my attention. When you refuse to use a nickname, you may gain my trust.

If you have ever called me by a nickname that is hurtful and you tell me you are truly sorry, you may even earn my respect.

Forget the nickname.

Call me by my name.

©2014 Shanna Groves, Volunteer – GateWay of Hope – The Helping Place for Hurting Women