Defining GateWay

As we promote GateWay of Hope and work on marketing the services we provide, several words keep emerging as key tags. HOPE This word is, of course, in our name but it covers everything we do at GateWay. When women first come through our doors, they may feel hopeless...

How To Do Self-Care During Recovery

This blog post, written by our Program Director and Life Coach, recently appeared at When one of our loved ones is working through an addictive behavior, the focus seems to be on him and his problem. After all, he’s the one who made these...

When Women Believe Lies

Have you ever believed a lie and then directed your life toward that lie? One of the reasons we deal with authenticity at GateWay of Hope is because knowing the truth helps us become who God created us to be. But if we center our lives around the topic of the lies we...

How Much Concealer Do You Need?

Most of us wear at least a bit of makeup, trying to hide wrinkles or even out skin tone. Then on top of that, we use a little concealer to hide those pesky dark rings under our eyes or a zit that surprised us during the night. It’s part of being a woman and feeling...

When Authenticity Produces Rejection

During a recent family vacation, I made a choice. The rest of the family wanted to do a jeep ride, up the mountain several thousand feet and over bumpy trails. I’ve endured that jeep ride before, resulting in bruised bones and $45 less in my billfold. So I opted out....