Hope Sets Healthy Boundaries

Isn’t it interesting how we can tell others what to do but not apply that same wisdom to ourselves? In my life coaching ministry at GateWay, I often ask women, “What are you doing for fun?” We track their progress and talk about the importance of setting healthy...

How To Experience Guilt-Free Living

It’s always exciting to find a new book – that special topic I’ve been looking for – at a bargain price. Last week, I discovered the book by Joyce Meyer, “God is Not Mad at You.” In her usual fashion, Joyce speaks the truth about perfectionism, legalism, shame and...

How to Care for Yourself After Sexual Assault

By now you probably know that GateWay of Hope is honoring April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). In our first blog post this month we looked at who is affected and how it affects them. (Click here to read the previous post.) We also examined how to help...

When Women Believe Lies

Have you ever believed a lie and then directed your life toward that lie? One of the reasons we deal with authenticity at GateWay of Hope is because knowing the truth helps us become who God created us to be. But if we center our lives around the topic of the lies we...

How to Counteract Stress

We all experience it in some form or another and sometimes – we actually expect it. Within our busy lives, we expect to meet some version of stress. Stress usually makes itself known as we react to it. We yell at the kids, kick the dog, scream into our pillows and...