How to Find Beauty in the Blunder

Since the age of eight, I have owned a camera. I enjoy documenting special events, creating colorful scrapbooks and periodically reviewing my personal narrative. It wasn’t until six years ago, however, that I began to use photography as a method of artistic...

How to Replace Fear

I’ve always struggled with the concept of denying self. It sounds so austere, like I’m supposed to give up all aspects of fun and forego any dreams of happiness. But isn’t that in complete opposition to the concept that Christ came that we may have abundant life?...

False Expectations

I used to believe expectations were synonymous with hope, but that seemed true only if I did not set unrealistic expectations in the first place. In my case, I dreamed of fostering the “perfect” home environment. I was a fan of the 70s television show The Waltons, and...

Writing Through the Grief

The inaudible voice in my heart was unmistakable and the message clear: I want you to write your daughter’s story and I will give you the strength to do it. It was not an assignment I relished; in fact, it was a directive I dreaded. Write about my daughter, Lord?...

Hanging On to Possible Endings

I watched in horror and disbelief as my teen-aged daughter packed her bags and walked out our front door. I tried to talk her out of it; begged and cried, but to no avail. As I pleaded with God to stop her, he was strangely silent. I thought I had enough faith for God...