When Grief Comes Unexpected

As I walked through Kohl’s, searching for the best Christmas gift for my niece, I passed a shelf full of the cutest little dolls. I stopped to pick one up, then held it to my face – the soft, cuddliness of a little girl’s toy. Suddenly, I realized I never had the joy...

11 Tips for Dealing with Holiday Grief

The lyrics from a famous Christmas song suggest December and Christmas as the most wonderful time of the year. Yet for women who are grieving, the holidays represent fresh sorrow. They do not feel joy nor do they want to find enjoyment at such a difficult time. How do...

How to Deal with Discouragement

One of the lines in the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life,” presents a great truth. Clarence, the second class angel who’s trying to earn his wings, watches a video about his divine appointment. Then Clarence asks God, “What is wrong with George Bailey. Is he sick?”...

Defining GateWay

As we promote GateWay of Hope and work on marketing the services we provide, several words keep emerging as key tags. HOPE This word is, of course, in our name but it covers everything we do at GateWay. When women first come through our doors, they may feel hopeless...

When Discouragement Settles In

One of the lines in the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life,” presents a great truth.  Clarence, the angel who’s trying to earn his wings, asks God what is wrong with George Bailey. “Is he sick?” “Worse,” God says. “He’s discouraged.” We might define discouragement as a...