When God Repeats

Every teacher knows the value of repetition – of repeating something important so that her students will remember it well. The same thing is true when God wants to teach us something important. He repeats it. One example occurs in the book of Psalms in the Bible. The...

2 Brave Women

Many readers don’t study the details of the Old Testament, but in the book of Exodus – we find a story within a story that involves two brave women. During this time period, the Pharaoh of Egypt wanted to stamp out the growth of the Children of Israel. Although Egypt...

Writing Through the Grief

The inaudible voice in my heart was unmistakable and the message clear: I want you to write your daughter’s story and I will give you the strength to do it. It was not an assignment I relished; in fact, it was a directive I dreaded. Write about my daughter, Lord?...

Keep the Balance

Is it possible to live a balanced life? Women play so many different roles in the course of a day: at home we are wife, mother, cook, homemaker, and chief bottle washer; at work we are employee as well as employer; at church we are active in ministry (often more than...