Comparing Apples to Oranges

I have struggled with low self-confidence since childhood. When someone compliments me, I mentally list others who do it bigger, better, grander than I.  I rarely try anything new or (gasp) a little silly because I fear what others might say. I imagine their...

Obstacles That Block Our Way

“We are sorry to inform you, but we will be unable to land in Minsk. We will be flying back to Frankfurt.” Three times, the pilot attempted to navigate through thick clouds and heavy fog, but the weather conditions won. The final destination of my 8000 mile, three...

Unforced Rhythms – Part 1

The Message Bible reminds us that when we come to Jesus and walk in harmony with Him, He will teach us how to focus on the “unforced rhythms of grace” (Matthew 11:28-30). What does that mean in our over-stressed world? How can we learn to find those unforced rhythms...