How To Do Self-Care During Recovery

This blog post, written by our Program Director and Life Coach, recently appeared at When one of our loved ones is working through an addictive behavior, the focus seems to be on him and his problem. After all, he’s the one who made these...

Why is Miriam Crying?

Miriam Allen has written a poignant book titled “Miriam’s Tears.” In this personal experience story, Miriam shares how she felt when she found out about her husband’s infidelities. “I can’t begin to describe the pain – my worst nightmare. I felt abandoned and ‘less...

Two Incredible Women

Yesterday, two of my friends experienced life-changing events. Today, they are hurting because their bodies have betrayed them, yet they are trusting in the One who holds them in His hands. One of my friends suffered a stroke. Perhaps nothing is more frightening than...

Summer Offerings at GateWay

Here in the last phases of our wintry spring, it may seem difficult to imagine summer. But the next season is just a few weeks away. At GateWay of Hope, we’re offering women some incredible summer opportunities. We have three new groups that address some of the hurts...