What God Says about Sexual Assault

During the last few months, we’ve been subjected to numerous reminders of how women are mistreated, undervalued and sexually assaulted. Whether or not you support one political candidate or the other, the truth is still a reality – no matter who is guilty of the...

Defining GateWay

As we promote GateWay of Hope and work on marketing the services we provide, several words keep emerging as key tags. HOPE This word is, of course, in our name but it covers everything we do at GateWay. When women first come through our doors, they may feel hopeless...

The Problem With Settling

Most of the time, we think of being settled as a good thing – a safe emotional place. When we feel anxious, we want to settle down and relax. But the type of settling we’re talking about is different. This sad “S” word means we have chosen something we do not really...

What is the Secret Sauce at GateWay?

People with the Secret Sauce are vital commodities in today’s workplace. These are the experts, the advice-givers, those people we seek out who can help us successfully move forward. For example: Bill Gates has the Secret Sauce for Microsoft – this business he...

Finding Women in the Queue

For some strange reason, my printer decided to freak out. Everything was working fine, then it wasn’t. Even after unplugging and rebooting, the printer would not print. In my frustration, I attempted to print several documents which sent them into the queue. Several...