How to Care for Yourself After Sexual Assault

By now you probably know that GateWay of Hope is honoring April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). In our first blog post this month we looked at who is affected and how it affects them. (Click here to read the previous post.) We also examined how to help...

Seize the Moment

My word of the year is DELIGHT. I love the multi-layered meaning. Its definition is extreme joy, which reminds me to find beauty in the every day world. In addition, the sound of the word evokes a feeling of weightlessness: learning to let go of things that hold me...

How to Hang On to Possible Endings

Judgmental responses seem to abound in the faith community. Have you ever heard one of these? “Just get over it.”    “You must be in sin.”    “You just want attention.”    “You don’t have enough faith.”  When my daughter left our home to live with her boyfriend, my...

How to Stay Close

At GateWay of Hope, we often read the “Jesus Calling” devotional, and several of our clients also have copies. The devotion on August 4th had a statement that seemed to answer a basic question many of us ask, “How can I be sure I’m in the will of God?” We love God. We...