messy roomThe plaque on my wall said, “This mess is a place.”

It was my reminder to loosen my grip as a woman in control. Allowing for the possibility of a mess, reminded me that my life involved more than a stage for the world to applaud my performance.

The mess was evidence of life and growth, of nurturing and relationship, of tangible relevant interactions between people that cannot take place in a sterile environment.

It’s so easy to get our focus on how many things are out of order. We forget who we are and where we are.

I look around my own soul and remind myself “This mess is a place.” It’s a place where I incorporate my thoughts and hash out the reality of my feelings.

God isn’t afraid of my mess. In fact, He placed His Spirit right in the middle of it. His love doesn’t let me grovel in my mess, but rather – order comes from the chaos and my mess takes on definition.

God isn’t looking for a performance or perfection. He wants relationship.

We can learn to be comfortable with Him in the mess.

© 2010 – Kiersten Adkins