Psalm 116:7, “Return to your rest, o my soul, for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you.”

Here at GateWay of Hope Ministries, we often refer to our retreats as a 2-hour permission to rest. This type of rest or retreat is a time to step back from all the stresses of life, to find our genuine selves and to embrace truth. It’s a time of remembering who we are in Christ and feeling encircled by the compassion and acceptance of other women.

One definition of rest is “A state of unthreatened well-being.” We work hard at GateWay so that every woman who comes for counseling, groups, prayer or retreats feels completely safe and unthreatened. Confidentiality is one of our main principles, and we make certain that our women feel safe within relationship. Our group leaders are trained to respect that safety and employ relationship-building techniques within groups. Keeping women in that state of rest includes the peace of Christ, the safety of relationships and the well-being that comes when we defeat lies with the truth.

The Psalmist encourages us to return to rest and to focus on how the Lord deals bountifully with us. We invite you to GateWay to discover the well-being that flows from true rest.