Forty plus years ago, I became a professional freelance writer. Throughout the years, my work has been published in various magazines and my current book series is becoming a best-seller in the Christian market.

Since my byline is RJ Thesman, people don’t always associate the Program Director at GateWay as the same person who writes the Reverend G books.

As a side business, I also became a freelance editor and helped several writers polish their books to make them publisher-ready. At one point, I wondered if it might be possible for me to become an editor at an established publishing house.Psalm 37-4

So I checked out places online and discovered most staff editors were journalism graduates with a long record of working in various communications formats. Probably not the easiest place for me to break in.

Still, I knew I was a good editor and while helping my own clients, I had a desire for more. How could I best use my English skills and my almost instant recognition of spelling and grammar errors?

In my role at GateWay of Hope, I am also responsible for all our social media sites and both of our blogs (;

Often, as in today’s post, I am the writer. I love this part of my job!

But I also initiate blog posts from other writers, from trusted sources who I know will write well about the issues we deal with at GateWay – how we help women become all God created them to be.

One day, as I was editing one of these guest posts, I suddenly had a stunning reality buzz.

All those years of thinking I could become a staff editor and here I am – at GateWay – in the role of writer and editor for our blogs.

That desire of my heart, planted so many years ago, has been tweaked by our creative God. I’m not working at a publishing house and thank goodness! Many of the publishers have ceased hiring staff editors. That’s why we freelancers stay busy.

But that desire to help writers do their very best has been realized as I edit posts, schedule for our blogs, search for just the right images and then share on all our social media sites.

King David wrote, “Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4).

I’ve seen that verse come true as God has tweaked my desire and made it a reality.

How has God been tweaking the desires of your heart?

©2015 Rebecca Thesman, CLC
GateWay of Hope – The Helping Place for Hurting Women