Taking Time Away

Life is busy and demands can crowd your calendar to the point of personal insanity. Even when the calendar isn’t full, it seems difficult to find places to sincerely connect with God and others. Some can carve out some time and place for personal quiet time, but...

Simply Caring for Yourself

This week we welcome guest blogger Heidi Valenzuela, owner of YogaXoga and board member of GateWay of Hope Ministries to give us advice of taking care of our bodies. Gentle Stretches to Lift Your Mood & Increase Energy  There are gentle stretches that we can do to...

This Mess is a Place

There was a little plaque I used to have on the wall when my kids were little. It said, “This mess is a place.” This was my reminder that I need to loosen my grip on my need to have others think I was a woman in control. Allowing for the possibility of a...