Healthy Relationships Series: Respect

by Danielle Melton, MA, LCPC

Let’s continue to look at the ingredients that make up a healthy relationship.

Today, our topic is respect. Take a moment and consider, what does respect (in the context of healthy relationships) mean to you?

Respect can be seen in how two people treat each other on a daily basis. 
  • Do you value each other’s opinions, even in the wake of an argument?
  • Do you listen to each other attentively and actively?
  • Do you speak kindly to each other and about each other? 
  • Do you notice the positive in each other and build each other up?
  • Do you honor each other’s boundaries, no matter what?
  • Do you support each other’s hobbies, interests, and careers?
  • Does each person have the freedom to be themself?



Take a moment and consider, what do you respect about yourself?

What actions do you take on a daily basis to value and honor your own needs?

In order to show up fully in your relationships you may need to first learn to be true to yourself. For some women, it can be difficult to know what their own wants and needs are. Perhaps they have spent years putting others needs before their own and have lost touch with their own needs.


You can take one step towards increasing your self-respect today by meeting one need.

This may look like: moving your body in an enjoyable way (going on a walk), drinking enough water, reading, following through on a commitment, going to therapy, attending a Bible Study, sharing coffee with a friend, or other things that honor who you are.


And be sure to go to our website, for additional information that can help you.