Live From Your Power

Sometimes, it is easy to habitually repeat negative phrases such as, “I can’t do this,” or “I’ll never be able to ….” And the “What If” phrases we use often originate from a place of fear. “What if this happens?” “What if I can’t …?” But as Christian women, we are not...

10 Laws of Boundaries

With gratitude to Doctors Henry Cloud and John Townsend, we reiterate the importance of boundaries. These 10 laws are studied in our Boundaries group, and they are referred to in many of our individual sessions with women. We believe every woman should review the...

Dealing with Shame

How do you deal with shame? Or are you too ashamed to admit that you feel shame? Sometimes we feel shame because we have not honestly faced our own sins but other times, we feel shame that is undeserved. Some of us have grown up in shame-based families or we have...