How to Interpret the Proverbs 31 Woman

She is held up as the perfect standard for women everywhere – this incredible female who keeps her family together, works outside the home, keeps her husband happy and is respected by the entire community. Many of us stressed-out ladies tend to avoid studying Proverbs...

Giving Up On Self-Doubt

Lent: the forty days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday when Christians give up something they enjoy. This sacrifice helps us learn to trust God when we feel deprived, tempted or weak.  In the process we discover we can live without vices because God is all we...

Do You Know Your SHAPE?

At GateWay, we help women find their authentic selves. One of the Coaching tools we use is the SHAPE acrostic. SHAPE stands for spiritual Gifts, Heart Passions, Abilities, Personality and Experiences. When you know how each of these define you, it will be easier to...