Finding A Word for the Year

While December is typically a festive and sometimes hectic time of year, it is also a reflective season. Perhaps it is a residual effect of the Thanksgiving turkey’s tryptophan, or it is the anticipation of starting the New Year with a clean slate. Whatever the cause,...

Transitions and Traditions

This past weekend I took a day trip to Branson, Missouri, home of the Ozark mountain amusement park, Silver Dollar City. For those unfamiliar with the area, Silver Dollar City is built around the theme of an 1880s farm town. With a few thrill rides for the kids and...

How to Replace Fear

I’ve always struggled with the concept of denying self. It sounds so austere, like I’m supposed to give up all aspects of fun and forego any dreams of happiness. But isn’t that in complete opposition to the concept that Christ came that we may have abundant life?...

The Problem With Settling

Most of the time, we think of being settled as a good thing – a safe emotional place. When we feel anxious, we want to settle down and relax. But the type of settling we’re talking about is different. This sad “S” word means we have chosen something we do not really...

Finding a Healing Journal Method

At GateWay of Hope, we have found journaling to be a wonderful process that leads us toward hope, healing and wholeness. But sometimes, we need a new way to think about journaling and process our thoughts. In his book, “The Listening Life,” Adam S. McHugh suggests the...

How to Be a Martha

For those of us who are the Type A-git-er-done women, the passage comparing Martha and Mary can be a problem. In the book of Luke, Jesus is visiting in Martha’s home. That description itself is a clue for what is to come. This was Martha’s home. She wasn’t living in...