How to Deal with Discouragement

One of the lines in the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life,” presents a great truth. Clarence, the second class angel who’s trying to earn his wings, watches a video about his divine appointment. Then Clarence asks God, “What is wrong with George Bailey. Is he sick?”...

Finding a Healing Journal Method

At GateWay of Hope, we have found journaling to be a wonderful process that leads us toward hope, healing and wholeness. But sometimes, we need a new way to think about journaling and process our thoughts. In his book, “The Listening Life,” Adam S. McHugh suggests the...

How to Be a Martha

For those of us who are the Type A-git-er-done women, the passage comparing Martha and Mary can be a problem. In the book of Luke, Jesus is visiting in Martha’s home. That description itself is a clue for what is to come. This was Martha’s home. She wasn’t living in...

How to Interpret the Proverbs 31 Woman

She is held up as the perfect standard for women everywhere – this incredible female who keeps her family together, works outside the home, keeps her husband happy and is respected by the entire community. Many of us stressed-out ladies tend to avoid studying Proverbs...

Comparing Apples to Oranges

I have struggled with low self-confidence since childhood. When someone compliments me, I mentally list others who do it bigger, better, grander than I.  I rarely try anything new or (gasp) a little silly because I fear what others might say. I imagine their...