Hanging On to Possible Endings

I watched in horror and disbelief as my teen-aged daughter packed her bags and walked out our front door. I tried to talk her out of it; begged and cried, but to no avail. As I pleaded with God to stop her, he was strangely silent. I thought I had enough faith for God...

Finding Hope through Poetry

Forest Testimony by Denise Rector Fondled? Gouged. Mauled down to a handful of scattered atoms, abandoned for dead, each piece of me looking at the others, faithless and wanting across the miles to pull our self back, together. I couldn’t hear myself crying out but...

Two Incredible Women

Yesterday, two of my friends experienced life-changing events. Today, they are hurting because their bodies have betrayed them, yet they are trusting in the One who holds them in His hands. One of my friends suffered a stroke. Perhaps nothing is more frightening than...

A Prayerful Partnership

This week, we welcome Betty Ost-Everley as a guest blogger. Betty is a Senior Administrative Assistant and an authentic woman who loves to create in the kitchen, through arts and crafts and through her writing. Betty is also a prayer warrior who studies about prayer...

Scary Hope

This morning I read the term, “Scary Hope” and decided to ponder that a while. From time to time in life, we might be asked by God or by our circumstances to take a risk and step out in faith. Those are the times we find out how deep our integrity is rooted and how...