Easter vs Christmas Reflections

We spend so much time, energy and stress celebrating Christmas when the major Christian holiday is Easter. True, at Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus and what a momentous event that was! But we also max out our credit cards, deal with the dynamics of family...

Real Answers

She was so young, vibrant and blonde – with an infectious smile. But she had no idea what type of darkness lived in my mind. She bounced toward me after church and said, “Isn’t it a beautiful day? Aren’t you doing wonderfully today?” I decided to forego the usual,...

Afraid but Available

It’s Part 1 of the Christmas story. The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary. This teenaged girl from Nazareth was “greatly troubled.” The angel said, “Do not be afraid.” He then told her that even though she was a virgin, she would bear God’s son. A pregnancy miracle by...

Scary Hope

This morning I read the term, “Scary Hope” and decided to ponder that a while. From time to time in life, we might be asked by God or by our circumstances to take a risk and step out in faith. Those are the times we find out how deep our integrity is rooted and how...