Love Gifts at Christmas

Breathlessly I waited as my brother opened the door to our family room to what I hoped would be Christmas heaven. Old enough to remember the splendor of the prior Christmas, I expected more of the same. My brother would pass out the presents and we would pile them up...

Hope Sets Healthy Boundaries

Isn’t it interesting how we can tell others what to do but not apply that same wisdom to ourselves? In my life coaching ministry at GateWay, I often ask women, “What are you doing for fun?” We track their progress and talk about the importance of setting healthy...

What God Says about Sexual Assault

During the last few months, we’ve been subjected to numerous reminders of how women are mistreated, undervalued and sexually assaulted. Whether or not you support one political candidate or the other, the truth is still a reality – no matter who is guilty of the...

How to Find Beauty in the Blunder

Since the age of eight, I have owned a camera. I enjoy documenting special events, creating colorful scrapbooks and periodically reviewing my personal narrative. It wasn’t until six years ago, however, that I began to use photography as a method of artistic...

How to Deal with Discouragement

One of the lines in the movie “It’s A Wonderful Life,” presents a great truth. Clarence, the second class angel who’s trying to earn his wings, watches a video about his divine appointment. Then Clarence asks God, “What is wrong with George Bailey. Is he sick?”...