Beware of Identity Theft

Not long ago, when I checked the status of a credit card account online, I noticed a charge I did not make. After several phone calls to the vendor and the credit card company, it became clear that I was a victim of credit card fraud and identity theft. Thankfully,...

How to Replace Fear

I’ve always struggled with the concept of denying self. It sounds so austere, like I’m supposed to give up all aspects of fun and forego any dreams of happiness. But isn’t that in complete opposition to the concept that Christ came that we may have abundant life?...

How To Do Self-Care During Recovery

This blog post, written by our Program Director and Life Coach, recently appeared at When one of our loved ones is working through an addictive behavior, the focus seems to be on him and his problem. After all, he’s the one who made these...

The Problem With Settling

Most of the time, we think of being settled as a good thing – a safe emotional place. When we feel anxious, we want to settle down and relax. But the type of settling we’re talking about is different. This sad “S” word means we have chosen something we do not really...

Finding Women in the Queue

For some strange reason, my printer decided to freak out. Everything was working fine, then it wasn’t. Even after unplugging and rebooting, the printer would not print. In my frustration, I attempted to print several documents which sent them into the queue. Several...