What Restoration Looks Like

Have you ever found an amazing piece of furniture you knew would look spectacular in your home? But you hesitated to buy it because it needed to be restored. It was covered with years of old varnish and dust and it had so many scars, the original wood couldn’t shine...

When Women Believe Lies

Have you ever believed a lie and then directed your life toward that lie? One of the reasons we deal with authenticity at GateWay of Hope is because knowing the truth helps us become who God created us to be. But if we center our lives around the topic of the lies we...

How to Remember and Move Forward

We’ve reached the end of February and with two months of 2016 now deleted from the calendar, we’re fully into the new year. How are you doing with your resolutions? Still moving forward to reach your goals? As we consider this new year and how we can best learn and...