Seize the Moment

My word of the year is DELIGHT. I love the multi-layered meaning. Its definition is extreme joy, which reminds me to find beauty in the every day world. In addition, the sound of the word evokes a feeling of weightlessness: learning to let go of things that hold me...

How to Find Joy in the Crisis

The movie was almost over. Sitting in the theatre, holding my granddaughter on my lap, cell phone in hand, I waited anxiously for a text to explain why my daughter was summoned home. The dreaded text came, “Please pray! Audrey was run over.” Oh God no! I found myself...

Why Sunsets and Sunrises Are Important

Besides the color and the texture – the absolute enjoyment of how the clouds morph together – it is a creative and artful experience to watch the sun rise and set. Artists paint them. Poets compose sonnets about them. Writers doodle in their journals while they watch...

How to Hang On to Possible Endings

Judgmental responses seem to abound in the faith community. Have you ever heard one of these? “Just get over it.”    “You must be in sin.”    “You just want attention.”    “You don’t have enough faith.”  When my daughter left our home to live with her boyfriend, my...

When Authenticity Produces Rejection

During a recent family vacation, I made a choice. The rest of the family wanted to do a jeep ride, up the mountain several thousand feet and over bumpy trails. I’ve endured that jeep ride before, resulting in bruised bones and $45 less in my billfold. So I opted out....