The Frozen Restored

Last week, I walked through a lawn and garden area in one of the big box stores in Olathe. I searched for the best bargains so that I could plant my spring gardens and landscape my yard. The colors and textures of the various plants reminded me of the Creator and I...

Living Whole

A recent visit to the doctor brought up the subject about holistic living or living whole. Since we are complete beings – body, mind and spirit – it is best to confront any illness by looking at the entire picture. Is it just a physical ailment or is it caused by...

Why Does GateWay Do What It Does?

In a previous blog post, we answered the question – “Why does GateWay matter?” In this post we’ll answer a related question – “Why does GateWay exist?” Or “Why do we do what we do?” Before we answer that question, let’s briefly review the other W questions: • Who –...

Are You Kidding?

For women who are hurting, one of the most difficult issues is forgiveness. How can I ever forgive this person who has hurt me so deeply? How can I forgive when he isn’t even sorry? If I can’t forget, then how can I truly forgive? No easy answers here, and we offer no...

Summer Offerings at GateWay

Here in the last phases of our wintry spring, it may seem difficult to imagine summer. But the next season is just a few weeks away. At GateWay of Hope, we’re offering women some incredible summer opportunities. We have three new groups that address some of the hurts...