Why We Should Slow Down

Whoops… I did it again. I was about 95% recovered from my January accident, when I tripped over the dog in the kitchen and broke my right shoulder. We sat down to an Italian anti-pasta dinner and a glass of Chianti, but I decided we needed plates. I hopped up from the...

How a Basset Teaches Life Lessons

I am a dog person. Dogs epitomize unconditional love, and I consider them my furry children. We have owned Yellow Labs for the past dozen years. We welcomed three litters of Lab puppies, and maintained three Labs of our own. We know the breed. Labs are people...

Comparing Apples to Oranges

I have struggled with low self-confidence since childhood. When someone compliments me, I mentally list others who do it bigger, better, grander than I.  I rarely try anything new or (gasp) a little silly because I fear what others might say. I imagine their...

How to Practice Endurance

In January I had an accident. Nothing life-threatening, but I did break my arm (now put together with a titanium rod and two pins) and fractured my hip (knitted together with three titanium screws). My friends now call me the bionic woman. All this additional hardware...

The Power of “AS”

Truth be told, I am not a fan of Valentine’s Day. I believe love is expressed countless times in a variety of ways every single day. Not just on this one special occasion. But global marketing tells a different story. In grade school we determine how lovable we are by...