How to Hang On to Possible Endings

Judgmental responses seem to abound in the faith community. Have you ever heard one of these? “Just get over it.”    “You must be in sin.”    “You just want attention.”    “You don’t have enough faith.”  When my daughter left our home to live with her boyfriend, my...

Not Even the Tiniest Inkling

Why do you suppose God says so many times and in so many ways that he loves us? Is it because we humans are so hard-headed, we have to hear it over and over before we finally get it? Maybe it’s because in our uniqueness we each hear “I love you” in our own way. Or...

Hanging On to Possible Endings

I watched in horror and disbelief as my teen-aged daughter packed her bags and walked out our front door. I tried to talk her out of it; begged and cried, but to no avail. As I pleaded with God to stop her, he was strangely silent. I thought I had enough faith for God...

Do You Know Your SHAPE?

At GateWay, we help women find their authentic selves. One of the Coaching tools we use is the SHAPE acrostic. SHAPE stands for spiritual Gifts, Heart Passions, Abilities, Personality and Experiences. When you know how each of these define you, it will be easier to...

Destructive Thinking 101

How can we work on those negative thoughts that control our minds? Can we get to the point where we no longer play those same destructive tapes? The Apostle Paul reminds us to “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is,...