Just the Facts, Ma’am

Have you been wondering…exactly what do they do over there at GateWay of Hope? Well, let us explain with 8 simple points: 1. Many women are stuck behind their pain or within a problem. They can’t move forward in life and they can’t be the women God created them to be,...


Winter came early and brought with it a terrific storm before the tree shed its colorful autumn leaves. I watched the old oak tree in front my home bend its leafy arms to the ground. The branches experienced unbelievable weight that threatened to snap them and bring...

Practical Tips for Dealing with Stress

A good working definition for Stress is “Any situation that keeps us from peace.” Stress begins in the mind with our reactions to external and internal experiences, but then – it travels to the body. Stress weakens our immune systems, constricts the volume of blood,...

Inhale !

For the past several weeks, social media has included several photos, links and/or articles about relaxation and rest. Maybe it’s because we’re in the last part of the summer season and everyone is either on a vacation or thinking about one. Or maybe it’s because of...

The Courage to Be Still

I want the courage to be still, to not be afraid to exist in the spot I am instead of racing for where I think I should be or reaching for what I think I should have. I want the courage to shed the shoulds. to not be in control, to not set the time table, to not pick...