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Live From Your Power

Sometimes, it is easy to habitually repeat negative phrases such as, “I can’t do this,” or “I’ll never be able to ….” And the “What If” phrases we use often originate from a place of fear. “What if this happens?” “What if I can’t …?” But as Christian women, we are not...

Thanksgiving at GateWay

During this season, we have many things to be grateful for at GateWay of Hope. Below are just a few items on our gratitude list: Our new location at 801 N. MurLen, Olathe, KS Our new Executive Director, Dacia Moore Our active and dedicated board members Our House...

How to Find Our Lost Creativity

What happens to women when they lose their creativity? How can they find it again? A recent sermon by my pastor focused on the fact that we were created to create. The Bible reminds us that we were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Since God is the Creator –...

How to Transition Well

We’re in a transition time at GateWay. We have a new Executive Director and this week, we’ll begin our move to a new location. All transitions are a bit tricky, but if we’re determined to do them well – they can result in joy. Whether we’re packing boxes, finding ways...

How to Recognize Stress

For some of us, stress is easy to recognize. We feel a sense of overwhelm, and we know we need to either change our direction or move away from the source of the problem. But sometimes, stress sneaks up on us and we may not recognize it so readily. That’s when we can...