How Much Concealer Do You Need?

Most of us wear at least a bit of makeup, trying to hide wrinkles or even out skin tone. Then on top of that, we use a little concealer to hide those pesky dark rings under our eyes or a zit that surprised us during the night. It’s part of being a woman and feeling...

How to Stay Close

At GateWay of Hope, we often read the “Jesus Calling” devotional, and several of our clients also have copies. The devotion on August 4th had a statement that seemed to answer a basic question many of us ask, “How can I be sure I’m in the will of God?” We love God. We...

Do You Know Your SHAPE?

At GateWay, we help women find their authentic selves. One of the Coaching tools we use is the SHAPE acrostic. SHAPE stands for spiritual Gifts, Heart Passions, Abilities, Personality and Experiences. When you know how each of these define you, it will be easier to...

How to Live Life

One of my friends recently sent me an encouraging note that said, “I hope you are living life to the fullest.” Smack in the middle of the winter blues, I wasn’t sure if I could totally embrace her encouragement. So I started thinking about it. What does it mean to...

Soft and Strong

This morning when I sat down at my desk, I glanced at the box of yellow Puff tissues sitting to my right. I’d seen them many times. But this morning the words along the bottom of the tissue box summoned my attention as though I’d never seen them before. “Soft and...