How to Find Personal Boundaries in Quilts

Debby Mosher guest posts for us today. Debby lives in Lawrence, Kansas, and served as a co-leader in one of our Boundaries groups. She works at Allen Press as an assistant managing editor and she exhibits her creative flair as a flautist, a sign language interpreter,...

Why Does GateWay Matter?

Last week, a woman came to tour GateWay. She was impressed with our unique atmosphere and seemed surprised by all the things we do to help hurting women. “I didn’t know about you,” she said, “but I’m so glad now that I do.” As we seek to promote GateWay and let more...

What If …

How many of us get stuck in the question, “What if…?” What if I set boundaries and protect myself? Will my family stop loving me? What if I lose that weight / write that book / take that risk? Am I afraid of success? What if I start doing the things on my bucket list?...

Q & A with GateWay

Recently, we met with a Networking Superstar, Cathy Weaver, who has a business called Miracles with Water. Because of Cathy’s excellent input, we’ve been rebranding and focusing on how to better present GateWay. We offer you our latest Q&A. Q: What exactly is...

Summer Offerings at GateWay

Here in the last phases of our wintry spring, it may seem difficult to imagine summer. But the next season is just a few weeks away. At GateWay of Hope, we’re offering women some incredible summer opportunities. We have three new groups that address some of the hurts...