Live From Your Power

Sometimes, it is easy to habitually repeat negative phrases such as, “I can’t do this,” or “I’ll never be able to ….” And the “What If” phrases we use often originate from a place of fear. “What if this happens?” “What if I can’t …?” But as Christian women, we are not...

Hope Stored in Heaven

“Our marriage was made in heaven, but so was thunder and lightning.” The tapestry on the pillow said it well.  Forever the funny man, it was a gift from my husband for our anniversary. Meant to be a joke, it still rang true. Naively entering a business deal early in...

Finding Christmas Joy Throughout the Year

Anyone who follows me on FaceBook knows I love Christmas. Starting in January, I begin the holiday countdown. On the 25th of the month I proudly proclaim how many more months we have until Christmas. Those who share my joy quickly “like” the posts; others are tempted...

How to Stay in Hope with God

Recently I was filled with awe at the tenderness and love God has shown to us, his children. When my husband accidentally hit our granddaughter with his car, he was devastated. The “what if’s” plagued his mind, both waking and sleeping. After a few days he said to me,...

Being vs. Doing

This past weekend Americans celebrated Labor Day. Traditionally this holiday signals the end of summer and the beginning of fall. Officially, however, the first Monday in September is reserved to honor the achievements of American workers. Labor Day focuses on...