What Barcode are You Wearing?

As soon as I woke, I felt it – stuck on my neck, so I reached and pulled it off. Since my glasses rested on my lamp table, I held it close and saw it was a white sticker with black print. The barcode from the back of a book I had read the night before. The price was...

Easter vs Christmas Reflections

We spend so much time, energy and stress celebrating Christmas when the major Christian holiday is Easter. True, at Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus and what a momentous event that was! But we also max out our credit cards, deal with the dynamics of family...

The Elusive Search for Beauty

“Wow, your eyes look awesome; what kind of mascara is that?” I asked my nephew’s girlfriend. I was visiting my sister in Dallas, and we were both transfixed by the young woman’s eyes. “I can’t remember the name of it,” she mused, “but I bought it at the drugstore....

Soft and Strong

This morning when I sat down at my desk, I glanced at the box of yellow Puff tissues sitting to my right. I’d seen them many times. But this morning the words along the bottom of the tissue box summoned my attention as though I’d never seen them before. “Soft and...

Depression is Not the Boss of Me

At my lowest point, I walked into the break room, collapsed on the couch, and never got up. Co-workers finally called my husband. He carried me to the car, drove me home, and tucked me into bed. I stayed there until I lost my job, and I didn’t even care. Depression...